Visual Assembly is a democratic form of creative collaboration – used to re-imagine new ways to run and organize our social systems.
It is using artistic tools, but this is not only an art project. Mainly it is about a public debate on how to rearrange our social spaces (the Health Care system, Education and so on).
Visual Assemblies past and future:
May 2020: How to reorganize a city
October 2020: how to reorganize a hospital
(we made a Carnival4David instead)
September 2021: How to reorganize a museum
January 2023: Humburg Challenging Capitalist Modernity IV
October 2024: Busan Biennale “Seeing in the Dark”
We hope that the tools, developed by the people working with the Visual Assembly project will be used by activists, artists, work collectives and just people – all of us, to rethink how we relate to each other, how we live, study and work.
Visual Assembly was born at the time of the Covid-19 in London as a result of a dialog between David Graeber and Nika Dubrovsky. David died in Venice in September 2020, but I plan to continue this project and make it the celebration of his life on September 22 2021.
Here are descriptions of Visual Assemblies.
To organize V-A you will need:
- Two people (or 3-4 if possible) armed with crayons, sprays (we use washable sprays) and communication equipment (phones?)
- A place for the Assembly (from a friend’s courtyard to a central square of your city (depends on what you can get).
- Virtual Assembly members in zoom.
- Wise facilitators, who know what are they doing!

Notes about Cit of Care Visual Assembly from the organizers
The 1st City of Care Visual Assembly: a report
David Graeber describes the idea behind Visual Assembly “Unite of Care”
David Graeber describes the idea behind Visual Assembly “City of Care”

Visual Assembly of Hospital Workers (2st Planning session)
Visual Assembly 22-09-2021 is dedicated to The Museum of Care
All information, ideas and info on this web-site can be used under