Tayssir John Gabbour: Ok now I have time alone to think. Embarassingly, I feel confused. And maybe should admit my confusion, in case there’s another clueless schmoe like me. 🙂
Rojava and the healthcare system.
The following text is the quote from the interview that was given by Sara Sterk from the Andrea Wolf Institute of the Jineolojî Academy that is based here in ROJAVA.
The International System of Typographic Picture Education was founded back in 1936. The name was coined by Marie Neurath. It was previously known as the “Vienna Method”. But after the Austro-Fascist victory in the Austrian Civil War in 1934, the pioneers of this innovative way of using images were forced to pack their bags and move to the Netherlands.
Around and About V-A
Member of the Visual Assembly Fabian Tompsett told about a board game called “Clinic for profit.”
Lettrist Assemblages
The Visual Assembly can be seen as what the Situationists called a Situography and what the Lettrists called Metagraphy and Hypergraphy – even Psychogeography in the 1950s-60s. Lettrism first appeared as Hurufism in the 1370s as حُرُوفِيَّة ḥurūfiyyah – a Sufi doctrine based on the mysticism of letters (ḥurūf). We can see contemporary or new Lettrism therefore as a materialist turn on classical Hurufism.
Simple frameworks
I created a page with Stencils, that are open for downloads for everyone.
The stencils need to be sorted by a themes of each assembly (or some more tags).
It’s a job for the future.
In search of a place for the Visual Assembly, David and I went to San Mary Hospital in London.
First of all, it’s stunning! The old building of remarkable grace, a spacious courtyard with the ideal points for the shoot.
Take a look!
Radical Simplicity
This Visual Assembly is a breathtaking undertaking. Healers & patients will collaborate to fix Places of Healing—and stamp their best plans in front of a hospital!
Nika said we should aim for radical simplicity. Yes, I’m on board with that. I’m not an artist like her, but build software. I don’t see it as Art, but as User Interface. High art intimidates most people, but one of our great User Interface books is: “Badass: Making Users Awesome.”
Secrecy vs openness.
I love The Yes Man
groupe! Often, I get inspired by their work and read their website. That’s what they’ve got:
As activist and writer George Lakey points out, “To win, movements need to expand. To expand, activists need to trust—themselves, each other, and people they reach out to.” This is true both within the team and with outside allies who are necessary to get the ball rolling. Creating an environment based on suspicion and fear can break a team apart and be totally counterproductive to inspiring others to join your movement.
What is the role of the artist?
We wrote a series of essays called ArtCommunism with David Graeber, partly about the possible role of the artist and the art in general.