Nika's Blog

Radical Simplicity

This Visual Assembly is a breathtaking undertaking. Healers & patients will collaborate to fix Places of Healing—and stamp their best plans in front of a hospital!

Nika said we should aim for radical simplicity. Yes, I’m on board with that. I’m not an artist like her, but build software. I don’t see it as Art, but as User Interface. High art intimidates most people, but one of our great User Interface books is: “Badass: Making Users Awesome.”

Nika's Blog Visual Assembly

Secrecy vs openness.

I love The Yes Man groupe! Often, I get inspired by their work and read their website. That’s what they’ve got:

As activist and writer George Lakey points out, “To win, movements need to expand. To expand, activists need to trust—themselves, each other, and people they reach out to.” This is true both within the team and with outside allies who are necessary to get the ball rolling. Creating an environment based on suspicion and fear can break a team apart and be totally counterproductive to inspiring others to join your movement.